Monday, December 31, 2007

And in the night we'll wish this never ends, we'll wish this never ends

So another year is rapidly drawing to a close, and as per tradition I like to look back on all I've learned this year.
If you fuck with the law enough it will fuck you (not learned personally)

Never make any major decissions while intoxicated, you will live to regret them

Death and life are like the 7th Harry Potter book...even though it's technically over, I refuse to believe that it will ever really end

We make mistakes to teach us something, so every mistake we make is worth it in the end

Friends come from unexpected places

Distance means nothing, if you love some one (romantically or platonically) you're never really apart

20 years is old enough to be allowed into family decisions that used to be made by the "adults"

Dealing with my family (immediate and extended) might be more difficult than peace talks in the middle east.

This year has been one mixed with everything. In some respects I've had some of the greatest times of my life, and some of the worst. Mortality became a big issue in the latter part of the year, and honestly it's truely the first time I've ever really had to deal with it. As always I'm still searching for my meaning in life and my place in the world, but I really do feel that after all that has happened to me in the last year I might be closer to finding it. Of course I had to fall back in to old bad habits to realize all of this, but eventually I'm going to get to the point where I don't have to keep picking myself back up all the time because I won't fall as often.

Friday, December 28, 2007

You're a boomerang you'll see

Yesterday was one of the best days I've had in a long time...possibly ever. It gave me hope for all that I have to look forward too.

Friday, December 14, 2007

My eyes hurt

Staying up until 4 in the morning registering for classes sucks, but I got it done.

Intro to ethics 12-12:50

News Writing and Reporting 3-4:45

Astronomy Lab on Mondays 7:30-9:30


Astronomy of the Solar System 9:30-10:45

Critical Thinking 12:30-1:45

Computer Applications on Tuesdays 3:30-4:20

Computer Concepts on Tuesdays 6:30-8:10

Not the most ideal schedule but due to the fact I registered 2 months late I feel decent about it. I'm excited about the philosophy and journalism courses, not so stoked about computers and astronomy but it has to happen.

Monday, December 10, 2007

That's the way it is in Minnesota

It's beginning to dawn on me that I was raised in a alternate family, alternate meaning different from the norm. We spend our time together drinking wine and talking about philosophy, politics, literature, etc... Yet at heart no matter how hard we try to be sophisticated we are still a bunch of fucking red necks. It just had to be said. In the last couple of days a few things have come to light that make me question a man that I've held in very high regard since I've known him. What's he's done can be seen in multiple ways, but I can't stop focusing on the fact that this person I considered family and loved as if he were my own blood, might have just been using my grandmother. I don't think this is the case, I think things are just really complicated, but if it is then once again part of the foundations of my world will be shaken. What sucks is that we can never really know, and what really sucks is that my grandmother is now having to ask herself if she ever really meant anything to him. This only furthers my thinking that love is perhaps something that should be avoided at all costs, because as far as I can tell from my life and others it often leads to heartbreak, and I'm beginning to think that it's not worth it.

Friday, December 07, 2007

Interesting fact

Merry Clayton is the chick that sings the female vocals in the Stones "Gimme Shelter." I did not know that. According to wikipedia she also did back up on "Sweet Home Alabama." Crazy world right?

Friday, November 30, 2007

Caress me down

Thanks for the sympathies you guys, I really appreciate it. It's been a weird fucking semester. I never thought there would be a time in my life that topped the first semester my freshman year in weirdness and bad decissions on my part, but this one has. However, this one didn't break my like the first time. I've got it together, kinda, and I'm finally really realizing that looking at the past and wondering what could have been is absolutely no help at all. Fuck it I'm looking to the future.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Last night

Two nights ago my grandfather died, and I didn't know until yesterday around 10 pm. He had a brain tumor and parkinsons and just ended up going downhill really fast. I think I cried more last night than I've cried on any other night of my life.
I was lying next to drew and he was just letting me talk, and all I could think about was the time last year that Bobby (my granpa) and Granpat decided to redecorate the dining room. Instead of taking down the wallpaper Bobby decided to just to paint right over it. The funny thing was they were convinced that it looked wonderful, but it looked like shit, you could see the wall paper right through the paint and my grandma's strutting around like the next Martha Stewert.
Then I started thinking about how unfair it was that all of us that are missing Bobby were getting to lie next to the people we care about and cry, while my grandmother is the one that has to lay by herself every night until it's her turn to move on. I'm not sad for my granpa because I believe he's in a place now that's much less painful; it's my granma that I'm crying for because she's had to lose another husband, it's my little cousins that won't get to have a granpa to do magic tricks for them, it's for my dad who is inevitably going to have to pick up the pieces of this mess like he always does, and selfishly it's me because I'm going to miss him, because I remember being in their wedding, because there won't be anyone to take pictures now, and because I don't like dealing with deaths or almost deaths multiple times in a year.
So if you can pray for the people in my family or just send good vibes if you don't pray, I'd really appreciate it, and I'll send some good vibes back your way.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Note to self

Don't eat sushi then will puke. Life taught me this week that I need to keep myself a little more reserved. It also taught me that 5 mickey's is to many mickey's. No Douglasville this thanksgiving, and I'm not going to lie I'm a little relieved. The old Jittery's that we spent so much time in is no more, rampent consummerism is on the rise in that god forsaken hellhole, and Starbucks has become king and forced us all into serfdom. While I was looking forward to seeing old friends (Colby, Melissa, Lucy, Michael, and Erin) I'll have to wait until christmas, a time in which I will also have to face decisions from the past and their reprecussions. Putting that off a little longer is a slight comfort.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Holy buckets

I'm so tired...I hate those up and back trips to d'ville. I'm about to have to deal with a death in the family on top of the things I've dealt with this semester. But I've come to a realization. I'm a fighter, I always have been. I'm not going to let all the things that are happening to me get me down. Life is going to be a bitch to me...fine then life obviously hasn't met me. I won't let all of this beat me, I'm going to get it through it even though I'm going to have to get some professional and possibly medical help. I'm done being sad, I'm done dwelling. I did what I did, and people did what they did so now I'm just going to have to fucking suck it up and deal with it. I'm done crying, I'm done moping, and I'm done self medicating. I'm going to make this better.

Saturday, November 03, 2007

In your head

Lately I've been thinking a lot about home, and what exactly constitutes a home. Is it a place filled with people that you are only truely connected to through blood, or is it something more abstract? If you have a home can you ever truely find a new home, and if you are away from that home, would you ever be able to feel at home somewhere else? For along time I fooled myself into believing that Statesboro was becoming my home, but in light of recent events I'm beginning to feel that it's not. Douglasville is my home in a concrete sense, but I'm beginning to realize that home is not a's a feeling of safety and security. When you are small your parents provide that (unless they are crack addicts) but as you grow older it's the people you surround yourself with that begin to serve that purpose. In a course of a semester I have lost the 2 people that gave me that sense of security. One transfered schools for his family, and one left Statesboro for his own reasons, and now I'm stuck here devoid of my usual support system. I still talk to Colby and Mark almost daily on the phone, but the fact is when you are away from this "home" it sucks. I don't really have people to turn to for all the little everyday stuff because everyone down here has their own fucked up shit to deal with, and I'm starting to really appreciate how much those 2 did for me regardless if they know it or not. I guess it's true when they say "home is where the heart is"

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

I want a lover I don't have to love

The last couple of weeks have been nuts. I don't think anybody that reads this doesn't know what happened but I'll be vague just in case. A very close friend of mine attempted to kill themselves a couple of weeks ago. During this time the two of us were fighting like bitches and on the night it happened I was a giant bitch to the person. The next day I get a phone call that this person had slit there wrists and was in the hospital. Long story short I spent the day at the hospital and following the cops to rehab on St.Simmons. The next week I went to visit this person with some of our friends, and thats were things get complicated feelings wise. In the midst of all this I meet this guy named drew. He's funny and sweet, plus he took me on a killer first date. Now I've got feelings for multiple people when I would rather have feelings for no one. I haven't coped yet with what happened to my friend and my own personal feelings of guilt, and the things that I did in the last week to fuck things up farther. I think I need to stop's been 4 weeks.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Probably the coolest thing ever

This summer, if everything goes well, will probably be the most amazing of my life. I will get to go all over Europe, Morroco, Egypt, China, and Japan. Not only that but I will get to say that I had an internship with international diplomacy. Hopefully everything will work out, and there's no reason that it shouldn't...sometimes it's good to be at the right place at the right time. Plus I get to enjoy all of this with some really cool guys. Shibby!!!!

Saturday, August 25, 2007


I feel like absolute shit. I just hurt the person that means the most to me, and I don't think he understands why I had to do it.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Sally was a 15 year old girl from Nebraska

Can I even begin to explain how tired I am right now? I don't think so. For those of you that don't know Mark broke his jaw in 2 places last week at rugby practice and his mouth is wired shut for the next 5 weeks. So while he pretty much can take care of himself, I'm spending the majority of my time freaking out that he's not getting enough calories, worrying that something is going to happen to his jaw, and badgering him to eat more. Other than that almost everybody I know has broken up with each other, some people got arrested/in trouble with the law, had their identity stolen, ended up pregnant, had racial and sexual slurs tossed at them, and anything else you can imagine (other than being eaten by a bear). Basically it's been a trying week and a few days but oddly enough it's been really fun for the most part. I am finding that I really do have this wonderful little core of friends down here that I can be entirely myself with and that's really nice. Oh and between all of this I've been going to classes, which are pretty easy other than geology. So that's my life right now.

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Dear assholes,

I'm getting really sick of people neglecting their animals. If you have a pet then you have to take responsibility for it, not just leave it on the side of the road whenever you decide you don't want it anymore. I've watched memebers of my family and myself take in wayward animals again and again because people like you are shitty people and treat animals like objects rather than living, breathing, sentient things. If you aren't going to take care of an animal then here's an idea...DON'T GET ONE. And if you can no longer take care of the animal for whatever reason then do the right thing and take 5 extra minutes and find it a good home rather than dropping it on the side of the street. People like you should burn in hell for your lack of humanity and you truely deserve it. And remember what Bob Barker always said, "Remember to spay and neuter your pets," dipshits


P.S. On that note Michael Vick is a disgusting piece of shit that will burn in the lowest circle of hell for what he's done, and hopefully so will the people that think he didn't do anything that wrong.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Tryin to face the strain

It's almost done. My math final is tomorrow, and then there are only a few weeks before the semester. Am I looking forward to it? Not really...I'm ready for some people to get back in town but not everybody. It's not that I dislike the people that I'm not really wanting to see, it's just that when too many people get involved in my life it tends to complicate things, and I like things to be as simple as possible. The summer has been one of the most bland of my life, there aren't very many good stories, adventures, or even memorable moments. It's mostly been school and drinking on the weekends. I did go to the lake over the weekend for Heather's b-day. I got to chill a lot with Josh (since we rode together) and we listened to power ballads, and of course it was great to see Heather and chill on the lake. Other than that though there's nothing. I could have written for the George Anne this summer if I hadn't have missed their message, so hopefully I can get some work there in the fall. I think that this post is a good reflection of my life right now...okay, but waiting for the excitement to start. I feel like I'm waiting for life to begin again, but life is still going and I'm starting to get the feeling again that I might be wasting it. That's how I know the fall is coming...

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Golden Skans

I got an A in philosophy and a B in economics. I got a 98 on my paper for philosophy and my professor said I did an excellent job and I made some really good points. I think that's pretty good for a paper I started the day before it was due. Math has begun, so I got almost no break from school, however I got to see my parents and I came in second place at the poker game, so it's all good.

Sunday, June 10, 2007


There's only a week left in this semester...and I have a good chance of pulling all A's. Then it's 5 weeks of math, and then a few weeks of nothing but hopefully work (aka a job) Matt, Mark, and I have decided that the last couple of weeks before our junior year will be spent recreating the time we all spent together during our freshman year. We had so much fun, and so many crazy adventures that I can't wait. Obviousley some parts of it will be different, b/c we've gotten a lot smarter, but still it will be nice. Through that in on top of a possible trip to Tampa to see Mark's sister, and new birthday tattoo's, and it sounds like a damn good end of summer. Oh yeah and we're coming home for a couple of days for Mark's birthday so I'll actually get to see my Colby, and all the other wonderful people that are in that town. Take care yourselves.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

I'm sweating my balls off

It's hot again in Statesboro...and it kinda sucks. But I got a 92 on my first economics test so that was a wonderful little suprise. If I can knock it out on philosophy test tomorrow it'll be a good start to the mini semester. Only 3 more weeks and I'll be done with 6 hours of class. It makes me a little sad because I really love my philosophy course...the prof. is amazing and the material is actually interesting. But when the semester is over my parents are going to come down on the way to Hilton Head, and it'll be nice to see them again.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Hate to Say I Told You So

I'm so tired...I didn't really realize until today how much work summer school is going to be. True I'm only taking 6 hours this minimester, but they're both for two hours a day Monday through Friday. Plus the classes are Philosophy and Economics; luckily I love philosophy, and in a sick twisted way I kinda dig economics. I also spent yesterday and today paying all my fees and rent and things of that nature. Wanna know how to make 2 grand dissapear really fast? Go to GSU minimester. However, it's worth it b/c I'm officially a journalism major, and I will be a junior in the fall thanks to summer school and my AP credit. I sat down and kinda mapped out my future in school yesterday, and I got really stoked because I'm going to get to take some amazing classes. The only problem is that for my upper related area in the major I have to take 12 hours of either econ, history, philosophy, or political science. I can only pick two of those areas to take 6 hours each in, and I've settled on history and philosophy. Here's the problem...there are a bunch of wonderful classes offered in those areas and I have no clue what to take. This is the first time I've felt stoked about school since I was 5 and wanted to get to ride on the bus.

Thursday, May 10, 2007


All A's and B's kids...and that was only with slightly more effort (aka going to class, doing homework, and studying for tests) I was a little worried about lit b/c of my crazy European proff. but I got a B. Now I get to start all over again on Tuesday, and I won't be done until halfway through July!

Friday, May 04, 2007

We must die before we live

Today I take the last exam of my second year of school. (I would say sophomore year but due to my little break I took last semester, I'm a semester behind)It's kind of crazy how quickly this year has gone seems like only a few days since I was at my birthday party. I've gotta say it's been a very good one, other than a couple of rough patches it's mostly been about getting my shit together and doing well in school. I should have all As and Bs this semester so I'm very excited. I've met so many interesting people this year, and gotten a lot closer with some of my older friends. I've had some great adventures (aka let's steal construction equipment, on three everyone moon the basketball players, my broken teeth and busted ass, etc...) and I guess what I'm trying to say with all of this is that for once I'm really really content with my life. I don't feel like there is some big change I need to make, or something that I need to do. I hope it's all good for you.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Sometimes I wish I was stronger, I wish I could feel no pain

Well here's a quick update if anybody still reads this. It's been a crazy couple of weeks. I've mostly been working my ass of for school during the week and trying to chill on the weekend. I chipped my front teeth, almost broke my ass, got my first article for the George-Anne, said article was cut from the George-Anne (I need to go find out why because it was a solid article), hung out with Kasey and Felicia, etc etc etc...
I'm learning a lot about people this week. I honestly thought that maybe I was beginning to understand people, but I guess there is always more to learn. I'm also learning that even if you want to help people out of bad situations you can't always do that...but as long as you've done everything you could for that person then I guess it's not so bad. My journalism professor told me I have a real flare for writing, and I got a 96 on my PR project, and a B on the lit test from hell. I've got a good weekend planned, and I got some good news yesterday, so damn life looks pretty good.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

I feel summer creeping in and I'm tired of this town again

Currently I'm rocking out to Cold War Kids and Band Of Horses, ya'll should check them out.
The thing I love the most about college is the fact that I get to write papers on the most random shit. Right now I'm doing one on SLC Punk for sociology, and then I've got one about Eutrophication for bio lab. It's random but it's kinda cool. I also got to do my first real interview (aka interview someone I didn't know) today and it went really well. I talked to the lady that owns Kosmic Charlies (the local head/hippie shop) for my PR project and it was really cool. So I'm swampped with work for school right now, but some of it's not so bad.
This weekend was the shit. Brittany came down to visit, and a good bit of the tribe showed up to party on Friday so that was cool. I also got to go to Hilton Head to watch rugby and get drunk, then come back and go to a it was a good weekend. I gotta get back to work now, but hopefully things are going well for y'all.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

They say we won't make it

All and all this could have been a better Spring Break. I was bumped off my flights too New York, so I got stuck in D'ville for a few days, which wasn't bad just not very exciting. It was cool seeing my mom and dad, but it sucked hearing about the fun that Colby was having. Then yesterday I got home and everything was great until I got a phone call. No names and no details, but I found out some fucked up shit. I don't even really know how I feel about things right now. I know that I forgive the people involved because in a way circumstances were beyond their control, but what happened seems like a pattern that's taking hold of my life and that scares me.
So basically I've had a pretty shitty spring break and it doesn't really seem like it's going to get a lot better. At least I have better friends than I used too.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Walk Among Us

Alright so I'm feeling a lot better about life. I think I've got my money taken care of, so as long as I can get on a flight I'll be in NYC on Friday, plus I've gotten my schedule fixed.
Summer 2007
May 15-June 15
8-9:40 Economics
10-11:40 Spanish 1002
June 18-July 19
10-11:50 Math

Fall 2007
Intro to Mass Comm
Cism Lab(W)
Cism Lecture(MW)
Math(MW) (if I drop the summer one due to money)

Geo Lab (t)
Intro To The Earth
Intro to Human Communications
Spanish 2001

So that's 19 hours in the fall and if I can keep it up I'm alot closer to graduating on time. Plus I'll probably only have to take 2 or 3 classes my last semester. So life could be worse. Although I did have to drop my minor because I can't afford to stay in school that long.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Some Statistics about my current life

~I just found out I'm pretty much broke, and I'm about too have to sell more stock which I need to hold on too to pay for school. However I also need to buy food and gas so it's either eat and be able to drive, or pay for school next year.
~The classes that I need to take in the fall are closed out right now, and there is nothing else I can take.
~While it should be no problem to raise my GPA up to what I need to declare, I can not fuck up at ALL and that is stressing me out.
~My spring break plans are getting fucked up by my Spanish teacher, and now I'm not even sure if I can afford it.
~I need a job that pays well so I can afford rent next year, but I also have to make sure I focus more on school, and try to work around taking summer classes.
Well tonight I'm going to go out and live as if none of this is the case, because honestly I don't even want to think about how I'm going to fix these situations.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

You were there in some anonymous room

I've been writing alot later, and I'm really glad that I started. I forgot how much I loved it, and I also forgot that I don't totally suck. I mean it's still pretty bad, but I'm improving and that's a start. I'm really loving my journalism class right now, and I'm beginning to think I'll stick with this major. I mean there isn't a huge difference between the journalism major and an english one so we'll see. Right now I'm working on my article about the Special Olympics, yeah it's nothing groundbreaking but I think I have a pretty good story so I'm feeling pretty confident about turning this one in. Last time I thought I did horrible, but it turns out a got a B, and it would have been an A if I had one more source. My proff said that it was a really good first effort, and that he was impressed with the subject matter I chose to write about. So maybe journalism is for me.
I've been having some really weird dreams lately, and some of them have been amazing. You know the dreams that when you wake up you're really sad that you couldn't have just stayed in the dream? Those are the worst. I mean you shouldn't feel upset that you don't live in a dream world, but sometimes I can't help it.
Today we were talking about the races in sociology and this is what one girl offered as an explination for why we look different.
"Well it was probably something to do with Pangea."
My response in my head was, "Humans weren't around in Pangea you fucking bitch."
The reason my response is so angry is that this girl and her equally stupid friends generally waste half of the class bitching about how they hate the conflict theory. In turn I get pissed off and point out why they are wrong 9 out of 10 times. I really like that class, and it's really interesting so I would rather hear the proff teach. Although, last week he heard me call them "You stupid fucktards" but he just laughed so it seems he agrees with me. I'm sure you guys can relate.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

100 People

If the World were 100 PEOPLE:

50 would be female
50 would be male

20 would be children
There would be 80 adults,
14 of whom would be 65 and older

There would be:
61 Asians
12 Europeans
13 Africans
14 people from the Western Hemisphere

There would be:
31 Christians
21 Muslims
14 Hindus
6 Buddhists
12 people who believe in other religions
16 people who not be aligned with a religion

17 would speak Chinese
8 would speak Hindustani
8 would speak English
7 would speak Spanish
4 would speak Arabic
4 would speak Russian
52 would speak other languages

82 would be able to read and write; 18 would not

1 would have a college education
1 would own a computer

75 people would have some supply of food and a place to
shelter them from the wind and the rain, but 25 would not

1 would be dying of starvation
17 would be undernourished
15 would be overweight

83 would have access to safe drinking water
17 people would have no clean, safe water to drink

Congrats on making it all the way down. I posted this to remind people how thankful we should be for what we have. If you wanna know more about it go to

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

So wait for the stone on your window

Colby and I went to Taco Bell last night and ended up getting around 10 dollars worth of extra food, so it was a good night. I also got an A on my quiz in lit, and a B on a Spanish test that would have been an A if I didn't suck so bad at spelling so I'm feelin pretty good
I had a great weekend, so life is looking up right now. Brittany and Jonno chilled with the usual group on Friday, and that was great fun. Brittany has become one of my new favorite people; she's as crazy as me, and fun as hell when drunk. Saturday we went and watched rugby (Mark can't play right now cause he fucked up his shoulder) then headed to Savannah for our big date. Very good fun on that one (we actually got to eat real food) and he bought me some cool shit. Plus I got him a Fear and Loathing poster which is bad ass, and a Horrorpops t-shirt so I think we both had a good time. This weekend is gonna be the shit too, 'cause we're going to see Pan's Labrynth...yeah. Decemberists on April 6th...anyone wanna meet up in the ATL for it?

Monday, February 05, 2007

Satin in a Coffin

You know those days when it just seems like the world just wants to take a giant shit on you? Yeah, this is actually one of those days and sadly it's only nine o'clock. So the superbowl commercials sucked, but I did keep myself entertained by suggesting improvements for the game of football. What if one random player had a knife and could just shank people? Come on you know that would be awesome...I also think that the losing team should be killed.
In 2 days Mark and I will have been together for a year, and damn has it been one trippy year. We've done and experienced so much together, but it still feels like only a few weeks since we were sitting in his room listening to Tiger Army for the first time. A friend brought up and interesting point this weekend, and true he was being somewhat of a whiny bitch, but it's a point none the less. Does the length of a relationship determine it's validity? Can you experience in 3 months what it takes some couples 2 years to experience? I'm on the side that the time spent together is irrelevent and that the only thing that matters is what actually happens. I dunno I just thought it was interesting.

Friday, January 26, 2007

If the atom bomd should end us both I'd be happy to go to the stars with you

Well life is going much the same as it has for the last month. Wake up, go to class, run, cook, sleep, rinse and repeat. And as much as I love my Spanish and Journalism classes I'm still feelin as if the higher education route might not have been for me. I don't know, I guess once I get out of my classes that are repeats (because we all know that I've been an idiot about class) and lower level it'll get better. I got my first story I have to write for Journalism. It has to be about an interesting person affiliated with GSU, so I think I'm going to do my Lit proff. I'm going to Savannah today...woohoo. Well I'm going after my Spanish quiz and lit lecture, and work out, but hey I still get to go right? If you've never listened to the Silversun Pickups before you should probably check them out on myspace.

Monday, January 22, 2007


These early classes suck. I don't think I've gotten proper sleep in the last couple weeks, especially since Marks had to get up for rugby and church on the weekends. I actually did something worthwhile and read Candide this weekend, and I gotta say it's my favorite of the shit I've had to read for school. I really enjoyed Pangloss' philosophy that everything turns out for the best in life, no matter how shitty it might seem at the time. It's rare that I like such an optomistic philosophy but it just seemed cool.
Another interesting point was the old womans musings on was just an interesting perspective. What do ya'll think?

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

I need my ink injection

So I got a new tattoo last night, and this one hurts like a bitch. It hit a little bit more on my bone therefor it was a little painful. Other than that nothing cool has happened. I've been to all my class, done my homework, partied, and finally gotten to chill with Heather. All in all not a bad start to school.

Monday, January 08, 2007

It's Educational

First day of class today, and I was not stoked about it in the least. However the day turned out to be really good. Spanish is wonderful b/c I know half the shit and my teacher is sassy as hell. Modern lit is good even though I've read a good bit of the stuff we have to read this semester. My proff is Polish and he looks like Einstein's brother, plus it's one of my accidental classes with Mark. So all in all it's a good time. Bowling if fun because our teacher is a doctor from India that's getting another degree and we can't understand half of what he says. We also had to stand in a circle and throw kissing puppies to each other to introduce was deffinately interesting. And then bio lab is cool b/c it's the TA's first year and he's really dorky in a cute way. He said horses rearend and I almost peed my pants. So it looks like I have a chance at a good semester.

Monday, January 01, 2007

So this is the New Year

Happy 2007 everyone. I hope everyone had as much fun bringing it in as I did. I'm a little sad that it's all over because 2006 was a great year. I "met" my wonderful boyfriend, gained a great new friends, made a lot of friends in addition, learned, had adventures, and just existed the best way I could. All in all I wouldn't say that 2006 was a year to be ashamed of. Only 3 more days till I head back to school!