Friday, May 04, 2007

We must die before we live

Today I take the last exam of my second year of school. (I would say sophomore year but due to my little break I took last semester, I'm a semester behind)It's kind of crazy how quickly this year has gone seems like only a few days since I was at my birthday party. I've gotta say it's been a very good one, other than a couple of rough patches it's mostly been about getting my shit together and doing well in school. I should have all As and Bs this semester so I'm very excited. I've met so many interesting people this year, and gotten a lot closer with some of my older friends. I've had some great adventures (aka let's steal construction equipment, on three everyone moon the basketball players, my broken teeth and busted ass, etc...) and I guess what I'm trying to say with all of this is that for once I'm really really content with my life. I don't feel like there is some big change I need to make, or something that I need to do. I hope it's all good for you.

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