Saturday, August 04, 2007

Dear assholes,

I'm getting really sick of people neglecting their animals. If you have a pet then you have to take responsibility for it, not just leave it on the side of the road whenever you decide you don't want it anymore. I've watched memebers of my family and myself take in wayward animals again and again because people like you are shitty people and treat animals like objects rather than living, breathing, sentient things. If you aren't going to take care of an animal then here's an idea...DON'T GET ONE. And if you can no longer take care of the animal for whatever reason then do the right thing and take 5 extra minutes and find it a good home rather than dropping it on the side of the street. People like you should burn in hell for your lack of humanity and you truely deserve it. And remember what Bob Barker always said, "Remember to spay and neuter your pets," dipshits


P.S. On that note Michael Vick is a disgusting piece of shit that will burn in the lowest circle of hell for what he's done, and hopefully so will the people that think he didn't do anything that wrong.

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