Tuesday, February 27, 2007

You were there in some anonymous room

I've been writing alot later, and I'm really glad that I started. I forgot how much I loved it, and I also forgot that I don't totally suck. I mean it's still pretty bad, but I'm improving and that's a start. I'm really loving my journalism class right now, and I'm beginning to think I'll stick with this major. I mean there isn't a huge difference between the journalism major and an english one so we'll see. Right now I'm working on my article about the Special Olympics, yeah it's nothing groundbreaking but I think I have a pretty good story so I'm feeling pretty confident about turning this one in. Last time I thought I did horrible, but it turns out a got a B, and it would have been an A if I had one more source. My proff said that it was a really good first effort, and that he was impressed with the subject matter I chose to write about. So maybe journalism is for me.
I've been having some really weird dreams lately, and some of them have been amazing. You know the dreams that when you wake up you're really sad that you couldn't have just stayed in the dream? Those are the worst. I mean you shouldn't feel upset that you don't live in a dream world, but sometimes I can't help it.
Today we were talking about the races in sociology and this is what one girl offered as an explination for why we look different.
"Well it was probably something to do with Pangea."
My response in my head was, "Humans weren't around in Pangea you fucking bitch."
The reason my response is so angry is that this girl and her equally stupid friends generally waste half of the class bitching about how they hate the conflict theory. In turn I get pissed off and point out why they are wrong 9 out of 10 times. I really like that class, and it's really interesting so I would rather hear the proff teach. Although, last week he heard me call them "You stupid fucktards" but he just laughed so it seems he agrees with me. I'm sure you guys can relate.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

so glad you are enjoying school...it's an odd feeling, isn't it? i think you would make a wonderful journalist, if you enjoy it (as you say you do) then go for it, it's that simple.

take care