Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Sally was a 15 year old girl from Nebraska

Can I even begin to explain how tired I am right now? I don't think so. For those of you that don't know Mark broke his jaw in 2 places last week at rugby practice and his mouth is wired shut for the next 5 weeks. So while he pretty much can take care of himself, I'm spending the majority of my time freaking out that he's not getting enough calories, worrying that something is going to happen to his jaw, and badgering him to eat more. Other than that almost everybody I know has broken up with each other, some people got arrested/in trouble with the law, had their identity stolen, ended up pregnant, had racial and sexual slurs tossed at them, and anything else you can imagine (other than being eaten by a bear). Basically it's been a trying week and a few days but oddly enough it's been really fun for the most part. I am finding that I really do have this wonderful little core of friends down here that I can be entirely myself with and that's really nice. Oh and between all of this I've been going to classes, which are pretty easy other than geology. So that's my life right now.

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