Tuesday, February 13, 2007

So wait for the stone on your window

Colby and I went to Taco Bell last night and ended up getting around 10 dollars worth of extra food, so it was a good night. I also got an A on my quiz in lit, and a B on a Spanish test that would have been an A if I didn't suck so bad at spelling so I'm feelin pretty good
I had a great weekend, so life is looking up right now. Brittany and Jonno chilled with the usual group on Friday, and that was great fun. Brittany has become one of my new favorite people; she's as crazy as me, and fun as hell when drunk. Saturday we went and watched rugby (Mark can't play right now cause he fucked up his shoulder) then headed to Savannah for our big date. Very good fun on that one (we actually got to eat real food) and he bought me some cool shit. Plus I got him a Fear and Loathing poster which is bad ass, and a Horrorpops t-shirt so I think we both had a good time. This weekend is gonna be the shit too, 'cause we're going to see Pan's Labrynth...yeah. Decemberists on April 6th...anyone wanna meet up in the ATL for it?

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