Monday, February 05, 2007

Satin in a Coffin

You know those days when it just seems like the world just wants to take a giant shit on you? Yeah, this is actually one of those days and sadly it's only nine o'clock. So the superbowl commercials sucked, but I did keep myself entertained by suggesting improvements for the game of football. What if one random player had a knife and could just shank people? Come on you know that would be awesome...I also think that the losing team should be killed.
In 2 days Mark and I will have been together for a year, and damn has it been one trippy year. We've done and experienced so much together, but it still feels like only a few weeks since we were sitting in his room listening to Tiger Army for the first time. A friend brought up and interesting point this weekend, and true he was being somewhat of a whiny bitch, but it's a point none the less. Does the length of a relationship determine it's validity? Can you experience in 3 months what it takes some couples 2 years to experience? I'm on the side that the time spent together is irrelevent and that the only thing that matters is what actually happens. I dunno I just thought it was interesting.


Melissa said...

being that i have commitment issues...i don't think i can provide a good answer to your question. it is interesting to ponder over though. i think longevity of a relationship does increase its validity. the more time you spend with someone, the more you are able to find out what they are really about. however, my opinion is probably skewed because it takes a long time for me to open up to people...and i usually break up with a guy before he gets to really know me too well. anyhow...i just rambled for no reason. i hope you have a wonderful anniversary :-)

Mike James said...

Happy Aniversary!

I'm for time=irrelevance by the by

Unknown said...
