Monday, October 30, 2006

Save America, spare Iraq, make Texas take him back

So as anyone that goes to Southern knows the President of our country came for a visit, and spoke on our campus (which oddly enough is supposed to be a non-partisan campus...he was speaking to support Max Burns) So I got to go to my very first protest and it was awesome. The things I was mainly there to protest were The Patriot Act, and the Military Commision Act, both of which deny the American people of civil liberties ensured by the Bill of Rights. Anyway it was a really good protest and I feel like I actually did something with my life for once that meant something. There were alot of really good speakers and I even learned some things that I didn't know. The point of all of this is that I want all of you to get out there and voice what you believe in, even if it's contrary to what I think. Having a voice is the most wonderful thing we were given and it's time that we start to use them.


Melissa said...

Did Bush actually speak? I think he speaks the same language as most of the people at your school...

thanks for the concern about my grandfather, i'm starting to cope with it better. it's just hard, ya know?

anyhow, i'm glad you protested :-)

Mike James said...

I heard you made out with Bush. I dunno, just a rumor, maybe. Probably true. You slut.
