Sunday, October 22, 2006

In rebuttal

OK so a couple things about the last post. I was piss drunk when I made it so a couple of the things I was trying to say did not come across. The "druggie" friends are mostly people from the past that are for some unknown reason making their precense in my life known. In fact only one person that I really consider to be a good friend is having a problem with drugs right now, and I'm doing what I can to help said person. I no longer do drugs, and I haven't for's just not for me. That post wasn't meant to be for pity, I was just frustrated with some things that have happened over the last week and stupidly decided to vent on the there it is. If you attempted to give me advice I appreciate it, and I would appreciate it more if you would declare who you are when you give it (I don't listen to strangers, and don't bring Mark into it because he isn't part of this).


Anonymous said...

well it would seems to me that your not quite sure what to think, I mean you talk about druggie friends, then comment on them as people from the past, and then say that they are making their presnce known, well isnt that what friends do? and if their not friends, why care? As for drugs in general, there easy, their fun and adventurous, but theres alot more thats definalty not easy but is more fun and adventous, thats why I have stopped, as for current events, worrying and careing about people just shows you have a heart, but as far as that goes, i mentioned the boyfriend as an after thought, i am incapable of ""bringing mark into it" only you are, dont mind the quotes, i get so rare opportunities to quote things in a sentance. So to finish this one up I end with I just got bored the other day from playin solitary and other mindles games on my computer and felt i should offer some imput on your drunken rant, just a way to kill time, so i guess if your interested you can guess who i am, i guess to prove i am not a lurking stalker i should reveal the following, gsu student, straight, tryin to figure stuff out without giving it away, oh you think i have horrible taste in music, have fun, hope i didnt make it to easy

Mike James said...

I'm doing drugs right now. All of them. I'm doing all the drugs right now as I type. Can I be on the list? Or am I not a good enough friend?