Monday, June 26, 2006

Young man the control is in your hands

So this is probably going to be a long rambling post and if you actually make it through let me know and you'll get a prize. That said let's begin. I bought the Matis..whatever cd Youth, and I think it was Phillip that said a while back that everyone should listen to it and I wholeheartedly agree. If you know me then you know I'm not a Christian (I just really can't see the point of it) but hopefully you know that I still believe in a creator and all that good stuff. The reason I bring this up is that Matisyahu (I just Goggled his name) is the first "religious" artist that I've been able to listen to and connect with. The way he talks is the way that I feel about a lot of things; it's not about him ramming his beliefs down anybodies throat, he's just saying that you should live a good life and be grateful for what you have. As I've matured in the last year I've really found myself and what I believe. I don't think that you have to subscribe to everyday Chritianity to be a good person in life. Hell you don't even have to believe in God (because really what is the point of belief if you only believe out of fear?) to make it to "heaven" whatever that ends up being. All you have to do is try. Try to be a good person, try to do the right thing every time, and try not to hurt other people. The reason I say try rather than do is the fact that no matter what at some point you're going to fail. You're going to be weak and screw up, but that doesn't damn you for the rest of your life. As long as you can admit your mistakes, try to fix what you fucked up, and do your best not to make the same mistake then your golden. If we didn't get second chances then I would be damned to hell about 5 times over just from stuff in the past year. I don't regret what I've done because all of my experiences have taught me about life, showed how much I stand to lose, let me see where rock bottom was, and I learned that I'm strong enough to get up and keep going each day when it seems like there was no reason to bother. And because of everything I've found what I believe and I've found out who I am for the most part. Somtimes you have to fall so you can pick yourself up of the floor as a better person. Like I said at the begining I don't think this was very coherant but maybe you got the gist. Spend this life searching for yourself because you have the next one to find God.


Melissa said...

i understand the post (and read it all...what's my prize???)

i think religion is really a big mess. i really wish that more people would do what they want to spiritually, instead of doing what they are told to do by others. i also wish that people would stop forcing their religion on others. oh well. maybe i'll see you soon.

Anonymous said...

Wheres my prize?

xdaedal said...

I agree with this post for the most part, but something that people keep saying and that I really don't agree with is...

"You have to fail to figure out who you are and how strong you can be...etc."

I mean I beileve that can work, but its not the only way. At this point in my life...I can logically think about somethings that I know aren't good for me or anyone for that matter. Doesn't mean I don't want to try them, but my thought process won't allow me to actually go through with it. A logical thought process.