Friday, June 23, 2006


Umm so I thought I would review 3 cd's that I think you people need to go out and buy...but I'll be objective

The Raconteurs: Broken Boy Soldiers

If you like the White Stripes and you've always wondered what they would sound like with a full band and a little bit more depth in the drums then the Raconteurs are for you. Their first single "Steady as she Goes" is a pretty good song, but the deeper cuts on the album far surpass the radio hit. Jack White's skill on guitar really shows in this album and all and all it's a very solid record.

Wolfmother: Wolfmother

Jimmy Paige's guitar and Robert Plant's vocals more your style? Then Wolfmother is the record I would invest in. Granted they sound like they could just be playing covers of lesser known Zepplin songs, but it's a good cd to crank up and drive around too. This album contains some of the best guitar work I've heard come out of any young artists in a long time, and the lead singer does have a very good voice. There's not a single track on the album that I felt inclineded to skip, and due to the fact that you can get the cd for $8 at Best Buy there really is no reason not to go get this album.

Blondie: Live

It's's live...and it has Atomic on there. You do the math. Pick it up for $2 at FYE. If you don't then you really are an idiot.

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