Monday, June 05, 2006

Baby I'm bad news

So the last few days...action packed. I've worked everyday so far this week and today and yesterday were my days off. However that didn't stop the fun. I stayed at Mark's on Wednesday and I made me miss waking up with him even more. Fast forward to Friday which involved packing up my parents, moving Mark and his mom into their new place, and a sticky situation that landed me without a car because Mark was driving it. After work I got coffee with Greg, Woody, and Mark, and it was nice to get to chill and talk to Greg. After that Lucy, Melissa, Corey, and Mark crashed at my place and we had us a little shindig. I spent Saturday night playing monopoly with drunks, and last night Mark and I went on a date (I'll get to that in a minute)
Saturday restored my faith in my old friends...or at least some of them. They proved that they were as mature as I gave them credit for (at least one of them) and that was kinda what I needed to restore my faith in people.
Last night Mark and I went to see the Break-Up thinking it would be a funny and somewhat tolerable romantic comedy b/c of Vince Vaughn. We were wrong. It was okay but it really wasn't that funny; or interesting at all. However there is one point were Vince Vaughn realizes his mistakes and tries to apologize to Jennifer Anniston and tell her that he loves her. If you want to see this movie don't read any further. Aniston tells him that she doesn't feel the same anymore and that she has nothing left to give. Then this little kid in the audience with us said "But he said he's sorry!" That comment made want to cry. Wouldn't it be great if a simple heartfelt I'm sorry could fix everything? Wouldn't it be nice if we were still that innocent?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmm I love the idea behind this website, very unique.