Wednesday, June 21, 2006

I'm lookin in on the good life

Alright so if you read the last post before I deleted it then good for you. If not then here is a newer "nicer" one. I hate my job (only a little bit) when I get bitched at for other peoples fuck ups...I don't mind taking responsibility for my screw ups but it's starting to get a little annoying. Life has been ok the last couple of days...Mark and I caught fireflies and talked about things. Like I said before talking to Mark is the best because he is the first person that has ever just let me talk...and it was nice. He didn't jump in with explinations or his opinions or how it all related back to him....he just listened and when I was through told me what he thought. I honestly didn't know it was possible to be this in love with somebody...everyday he shows me a new reason to love him...omg that was sickeningly cheesy...feel free to throw rotten fruit at me. I went to Erin's house on Monday night and had a pretty good time, and then last night was Trivia/Bowling night with Mark and his was fun as always. That's just about's less than 2 months before I get to move back to Statesboro.


xdaedal said...

How long would you be going?
I would bery interested in going.
I'll contact you for the details sometime later. [x]

Mike James said...

I threw up all over myself.