Saturday, November 03, 2007

In your head

Lately I've been thinking a lot about home, and what exactly constitutes a home. Is it a place filled with people that you are only truely connected to through blood, or is it something more abstract? If you have a home can you ever truely find a new home, and if you are away from that home, would you ever be able to feel at home somewhere else? For along time I fooled myself into believing that Statesboro was becoming my home, but in light of recent events I'm beginning to feel that it's not. Douglasville is my home in a concrete sense, but I'm beginning to realize that home is not a's a feeling of safety and security. When you are small your parents provide that (unless they are crack addicts) but as you grow older it's the people you surround yourself with that begin to serve that purpose. In a course of a semester I have lost the 2 people that gave me that sense of security. One transfered schools for his family, and one left Statesboro for his own reasons, and now I'm stuck here devoid of my usual support system. I still talk to Colby and Mark almost daily on the phone, but the fact is when you are away from this "home" it sucks. I don't really have people to turn to for all the little everyday stuff because everyone down here has their own fucked up shit to deal with, and I'm starting to really appreciate how much those 2 did for me regardless if they know it or not. I guess it's true when they say "home is where the heart is"


Unknown said...

crack addicts are always a variable.

Mike James said...

Garden State anyone...?
The solution is simple, have a baby every 10 years or so, then you'll never be lonely!!
I'm le genius.

Mike James said...

Hey Sally! New Blog: