Friday, April 20, 2007

Sometimes I wish I was stronger, I wish I could feel no pain

Well here's a quick update if anybody still reads this. It's been a crazy couple of weeks. I've mostly been working my ass of for school during the week and trying to chill on the weekend. I chipped my front teeth, almost broke my ass, got my first article for the George-Anne, said article was cut from the George-Anne (I need to go find out why because it was a solid article), hung out with Kasey and Felicia, etc etc etc...
I'm learning a lot about people this week. I honestly thought that maybe I was beginning to understand people, but I guess there is always more to learn. I'm also learning that even if you want to help people out of bad situations you can't always do that...but as long as you've done everything you could for that person then I guess it's not so bad. My journalism professor told me I have a real flare for writing, and I got a 96 on my PR project, and a B on the lit test from hell. I've got a good weekend planned, and I got some good news yesterday, so damn life looks pretty good.


Melissa said...

I still read this. Glad things are going well, hope your tooth doesn't look terrible...haha, i'm sure it's fine. don't waste your time trying to figure people out, most of them suck and are not worth your time.

Mike James said...

You're hot.

Mike James said...

Sorry, I'm summer schooling it up.