Tuesday, March 27, 2007

I feel summer creeping in and I'm tired of this town again

Currently I'm rocking out to Cold War Kids and Band Of Horses, ya'll should check them out.
The thing I love the most about college is the fact that I get to write papers on the most random shit. Right now I'm doing one on SLC Punk for sociology, and then I've got one about Eutrophication for bio lab. It's random but it's kinda cool. I also got to do my first real interview (aka interview someone I didn't know) today and it went really well. I talked to the lady that owns Kosmic Charlies (the local head/hippie shop) for my PR project and it was really cool. So I'm swampped with work for school right now, but some of it's not so bad.
This weekend was the shit. Brittany came down to visit, and a good bit of the tribe showed up to party on Friday so that was cool. I also got to go to Hilton Head to watch rugby and get drunk, then come back and go to a party...so it was a good weekend. I gotta get back to work now, but hopefully things are going well for y'all.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

They say we won't make it

All and all this could have been a better Spring Break. I was bumped off my flights too New York, so I got stuck in D'ville for a few days, which wasn't bad just not very exciting. It was cool seeing my mom and dad, but it sucked hearing about the fun that Colby was having. Then yesterday I got home and everything was great until I got a phone call. No names and no details, but I found out some fucked up shit. I don't even really know how I feel about things right now. I know that I forgive the people involved because in a way circumstances were beyond their control, but what happened seems like a pattern that's taking hold of my life and that scares me.
So basically I've had a pretty shitty spring break and it doesn't really seem like it's going to get a lot better. At least I have better friends than I used too.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Walk Among Us

Alright so I'm feeling a lot better about life. I think I've got my money taken care of, so as long as I can get on a flight I'll be in NYC on Friday, plus I've gotten my schedule fixed.
Summer 2007
May 15-June 15
8-9:40 Economics
10-11:40 Spanish 1002
June 18-July 19
10-11:50 Math

Fall 2007
Intro to Mass Comm
Cism Lab(W)
Cism Lecture(MW)
Math(MW) (if I drop the summer one due to money)

Geo Lab (t)
Intro To The Earth
Intro to Human Communications
Spanish 2001

So that's 19 hours in the fall and if I can keep it up I'm alot closer to graduating on time. Plus I'll probably only have to take 2 or 3 classes my last semester. So life could be worse. Although I did have to drop my minor because I can't afford to stay in school that long.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Some Statistics about my current life

~I just found out I'm pretty much broke, and I'm about too have to sell more stock which I need to hold on too to pay for school. However I also need to buy food and gas so it's either eat and be able to drive, or pay for school next year.
~The classes that I need to take in the fall are closed out right now, and there is nothing else I can take.
~While it should be no problem to raise my GPA up to what I need to declare, I can not fuck up at ALL and that is stressing me out.
~My spring break plans are getting fucked up by my Spanish teacher, and now I'm not even sure if I can afford it.
~I need a job that pays well so I can afford rent next year, but I also have to make sure I focus more on school, and try to work around taking summer classes.
Well tonight I'm going to go out and live as if none of this is the case, because honestly I don't even want to think about how I'm going to fix these situations.