Friday, July 28, 2006

I'm not crazy cause I take the right pills everyday

So much to say...where to about Tuesday? So on Tuesday I went to a baseball game with Mark, TJ, and TJ's girlfriend. Was I really looking forward to all of this..not really because baseball just is not that interesting to me. However after getting off Marta at the wrong station 2 times, walking a mile in the heat, standing in line for tickets, and seeing a disconcering amount of mullets I realized that it was going to be a good night. The game was very fun (upper level behind home plate) and I got to yell "Get these mother fuckin Marlins off my mother fuckin field" which truly made my night. When we got back to town me and Mark got some food at Fabiano's and had a "serious talk" which are not my favorite type, then we went to DC and played on the field for a while.
Last night I finally quit my I have two weeks before all the work starts again. I also registered for into to German yesterday. I'm very excited about that
Went and saw Lady in the Water. The only way to describe that story was beautiful. I cried at one point. The metaphors and commentary on our world seem kind of shallow at first but then you realize it's deeper than you think.
I've been reading the Fountainhead lately and all I can say is that I wish Roark, Mallory, Mike, and Dominque were in my life.


Melissa said...

intro to german sounds cool, i lived next to german girls in NY and they taught me how to say inappropriate things in german....

i often wish that characters from books could be in my life, or that i could be a part of their fictional life. then, i'm brought back to reality and remember that things are not usually they way we want them to be.

anyhow, i hope i get to see you before you leave for statesboro again.

Mike James said...

I always judge the greatness of a night out by how many mullets I see.

The title is from a Jimmy Eat World song. You know how much I love Jimmy? A freaking lot.