Sunday, July 23, 2006

I must be crazy

Does this quote bother anyone else "No man is an island unto himself" and I can't exactly quote the rest of it but it's about how we're all pieces of a continent? Thank you John Dunne for basically taking away the hope of humanity and replacing it with a false comfort. I just heard it qouted and 2 different shows and it really upset me. If you can't really on yourself and only yourself what is the point? Yes it's nice to have a support system, but you can't count on those. You have to be able to support yourself in the waves of the world so you don't get swept away. You have to know that you are enough and can survive with nothing else. It's not what any human being wants but it's a good thing to have, it's good to know that as long as you're alive you're going to be okay. I'm not a great example of this. At this point everyone knows that I was decently fucked up for a while. And what did I do? I relied on people and chemicals and look where it got me; alot of really bad situations, alienated friends, and a sense that I can't handle things on my own. But I need to be able too. I need to be able to rely on myself and only myself. It just seems that alot of quotes we live by are teaching us the wrong way to live.


Anonymous said...

Part of being healthy is being able to deal with other people/situtations/etc for when life's proverbial earthquakes leave you squashed up against some other island. You can listen to other people without taking their advice, just as you can hang with other people without sharing their decisions, though you will probably be affected by them if you don't watch yourself. It's been my experience that good friends won't let you down on the big stuff.

Anonymous said...

I ate some pineapple today. It was wonderful until I realized it was all gone.

oh look, a butterfly...

xdaedal said...

If you can't count on yourself...then who else can you count on?

I'm still trying to figure that one out. [x]

Anonymous said...

i'm dan, mike's friend from england. I saw that you'd commented on his blog and saw your name. Bayside are ace. I saw them a couple of months ago and met them after they played, and I am going to see aiden and bayside play in london in a couple of months and am getting backstage passes which should be cool. Just thought i'd share this with you