Thursday, July 13, 2006

There's something different in your heart

So I've been thinking alot about the future over the last couple of days. I don't think journalism is for me. The only reason I wanted to do it was so that I could be involved in music in some way shape or form. But the fact is I'm going to have deadlines and a boss (2 things I hate) and I'm not even guarenteed a job working for a music magazine. So by combining things I know about me; I hate being told what to do, I hate being told how to dress, I'm obsessed with music and it pisses me off when I can't find a Generation X cd anywhere but the internet, if I want something I get, and I have no problem telling people what to do; I've decided on a possible game plan. I'm going to open a record shop. I'm thinking Savannah do to the fact I love that city and SCAD and all the little indie kids are about to keep me in business. I really just need to find a partner and someone who can invist. If Savannah doesn't work I already have a location I like in the ATL. I can pretty much be my own boss...I can let my employees have piercings and oddly colored hair. I can be around music all day. If it doesn't work then at least I had an adventure doing it. So I'll be changing my major pretty soon to Sociology (I refuse to be a businees major or anything like that b/c I'd go insane) and maybe pick up a minor in Business instead.

I've also decided I'm a) getting a tatoo b) that it's going to be a skull with a snake coming out and c) that it's going to be on my wrist. I"m really excited. In other news I spent some time with Erin on Monday night. We discussed things we don't generally talk about (probably b/c alcohol was involved) and we agreed on a couple of things. We both really respect Greg, I've grown and changed alot, and Coach Jackson is the shit. It was also nice to talk to her because she let me know that my attempts to be an adult about everything don't go unnoticed. Yesterday I had lunch with Melissa, Colby, and Lucy which was very fun, and on Tuesday I got to watch some of the guys discover that alcohol + bowling = bad idea. It was very entertaining. So mostly it's been a good week and I'd be a fool to complain. I started reading the Fountainhead again. I stopped halfway through when I started smoking alot so I feel like now is the time to finish it.

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