Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Hopin for the best, just hopin nothing happens

So found out I was supposed to work on Sunday and Monday morning and I didn't. Blame = 50% me, 25% my manager, 25% bad luck. If I had been put on the schedule (like everyone else) I would have a fuckin clue when I'm supposed to work, however I should have called to find out so I'm willing to take the majority of the blame. So I've worked 15 hours in the last two days...not my definition of fun...but hey it's money right? Mark is moving back tomorrow so I'm really excited about that, and then my parents leave on friday so I get a break from realizing that I am in fact in Douglasville. I'm not totally sure how I feel about life right now...I would like a chance to get out of town and reflect but that's not going to happen. I know that I'm okay with 95% of how things are, but that 5% makes all the difference. I can't explain how I feel about my friend situation...the ones I have are great...and the ones I had are absent from my life. If I was back in Statesboro this wouldn't be a problem...actually it's not really a problem here...more of a nuisance. I don't know what I'm blathering on about so I'll stop and leave you with this. I'm not always the bad guy or scape goat.


Melissa said...

thanks for the good luck wish...i shall be needing it.

being 95% content with life is good, i'd just go with that and tell the other 5% to fuck off :-)

xdaedal said...

When did everything get so fucked up? It happened so fast...ugh...Well I'm about to go get lost in work. [x]

Mike James said...
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Mike James said...

I can't explain how I feel about my friend situation...the ones I have are great...and the ones I had are absent from my life. If I was back in Statesboro this wouldn't be a problem...actually it's not really a problem here...more of a nuisance.

Mike James said...
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Anonymous said...

Super color scheme, I like it! Good job. Go on.