Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Tryin to face the strain

It's almost done. My math final is tomorrow, and then there are only a few weeks before the semester. Am I looking forward to it? Not really...I'm ready for some people to get back in town but not everybody. It's not that I dislike the people that I'm not really wanting to see, it's just that when too many people get involved in my life it tends to complicate things, and I like things to be as simple as possible. The summer has been one of the most bland of my life, there aren't very many good stories, adventures, or even memorable moments. It's mostly been school and drinking on the weekends. I did go to the lake over the weekend for Heather's b-day. I got to chill a lot with Josh (since we rode together) and we listened to power ballads, and of course it was great to see Heather and chill on the lake. Other than that though there's nothing. I could have written for the George Anne this summer if I hadn't have missed their message, so hopefully I can get some work there in the fall. I think that this post is a good reflection of my life right now...okay, but waiting for the excitement to start. I feel like I'm waiting for life to begin again, but life is still going and I'm starting to get the feeling again that I might be wasting it. That's how I know the fall is coming...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was nice to see you and Colby the other night. Wasn't the book awesome?! Sooo intense. I thought I was gonna have a heart attack the whole time I was reading it. Anyway, hope you have a good rest of the summer and a good semester this fall!