Monday, January 22, 2007


These early classes suck. I don't think I've gotten proper sleep in the last couple weeks, especially since Marks had to get up for rugby and church on the weekends. I actually did something worthwhile and read Candide this weekend, and I gotta say it's my favorite of the shit I've had to read for school. I really enjoyed Pangloss' philosophy that everything turns out for the best in life, no matter how shitty it might seem at the time. It's rare that I like such an optomistic philosophy but it just seemed cool.
Another interesting point was the old womans musings on was just an interesting perspective. What do ya'll think?


Melissa said...
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Melissa said...

church? and yes...early classes do indeed blow. i have to work everyday at 9 and when I wake up in the morning I feel like jumping out of my window.