Monday, January 08, 2007

It's Educational

First day of class today, and I was not stoked about it in the least. However the day turned out to be really good. Spanish is wonderful b/c I know half the shit and my teacher is sassy as hell. Modern lit is good even though I've read a good bit of the stuff we have to read this semester. My proff is Polish and he looks like Einstein's brother, plus it's one of my accidental classes with Mark. So all in all it's a good time. Bowling if fun because our teacher is a doctor from India that's getting another degree and we can't understand half of what he says. We also had to stand in a circle and throw kissing puppies to each other to introduce was deffinately interesting. And then bio lab is cool b/c it's the TA's first year and he's really dorky in a cute way. He said horses rearend and I almost peed my pants. So it looks like I have a chance at a good semester.


Melissa said...

I can't believe bowling is an actual class...

good luck this semester, don't drop any classes! oh, si necesitas mi ayuda con tus espanol, me llamas.

Melissa said...

yes...i said if you need my help with your spanish, call me.

classes going well for you?