Sunday, August 13, 2006

Sippin on gin and juice

So a quick update on the past few days. Moved into my bad ass's awesome. There's a lot of space and Mark and Blake live literally directly behind us. Got drunk on Friday night but nothing to crazy happened..then yesterday we finished getting our respective places set up, and went to get Mark's tatoo. It looks so good and it made me really excited about getting mine. Then we had my birthday party which was pretty fun other than I made the mistake of smoking on top drinking and got sick. Other than that life is going on as usual. To those left in d'ville I miss you guys but I'll see you the next time I come home.


Melissa said...

if you want to get a tatoo, lucy and i will go down to miami with you and go to miami ink to get ami james to tatoo you...then i will have sex with him.

glad you had a good birthday, good luck with classes.

Mike James said...

"I made the mistake of smoking on top drinking and got sick. Other than that life is going on as usual."

I thought throwing up was the usual for you? ;-)

Anyways, sounds like you had a good birthday. Have fun, and hopefully I might see you soon. Oh and if you fail another class I will bitch slap you.