Thursday, August 31, 2006

I've been waiting here for so long

So a quick rant and then an update. The quick rant is this...people are bullshit.
I'm going to Tampa tonight with Mark. It's our first road trip together and we're going to see his sister so I'm pretty excited. I got a tattoo....shhh my family can't know. I think it's pretty bad ass but you guys can pass judgement when you see it yourself. I've met Heather's new boy and I like him a good bit. I had a wonderful time hanging out at Oasis last night with friends, and classes are just classes. I'm sure there are more interesting things to talk about but I don't really care to elaborate on those and that's about it.


Anonymous said...

Hey, fellow Waffle Houser! :P

"...pass judgement..." You seem so preoccupied! :/ Despite this entry's downs, I hope you're doing well.

Mike James said...

Post a picture!

Melissa said...

i have class and work until 5 on Friday, I do not know if you want to drive out here during rush hour on a Friday evening. But, if you would like to, that'd be great! If not, you can come out Saturday night? Or I might be able to get you a ticket to the football game Saturday. It's up to you, just let me know!