Saturday, August 19, 2006

It takes my pain away

What are you supposed to do when you see somebody that you really love hurting themself? What are you supposed to do when you know that there isn't anything you can do to stop them?
How are you supposed to help somebody that refuses to help themself? They say they're better and then a few month later it happens again, and there is nothing you can do. You feel weak, and powerless, and like shit that you can't help.
I was thinking this morning about something somebody said to me last night, something that alot of people have said to me when they decide to look at their own lives and feel sorry for themselves. This person told me that I had a perfect life. I'll admit for the most part I have a good life, and to most people I think it looks better than it is on the outside. Just because your parents had money or they bought you a car when you were sixteen doesn't mean you haven't been through shit. It doesn't mean that life was rosy every damn day of your life. I'm not writing this for pity, because I am one of those people that can say even though I hate life sometimes, I am happy with it for the most part. I like my life, and I know that I have it pretty damn good, but like my International Studies teacher said, we should never feel bad for what we have. We should just try to make it to where everyone can have what we have. The point of all of this was that don't assume that just because your life seems shittier than someone elses doesn't mean that it was. We've all had problems, some worse than others, and nobody has had the perfect life.
Well with that out of the way, the week has been pretty damn good. Class is mediocre at best but I can handle it, and it's been nice to see everybody from last year. Oh a guy I know partially sliced the tendon in his wrist while playing with a samuri sword when drunk. The lesson; friends don't let friends play with sharp objects in a drunken stupor.


Melissa said...

you are supposed to continue being their friend and offerning support when they need it, although that can be difficult. if they continue to hurt themself, maybe a psychologist should be brought into the picture.

that's my advice, anyhow. i hope (s)he gets better. hopefully it is just a bad time in their life.

Mike James said...

You're supposed to lock them in a shed until with no sharp objects. Didn't you see Final Destination?--oh you didn't want a sarcastic comment? You wanted serious advice? Well too bad.