Sunday, May 28, 2006

Boys like you are overrated

So I have a lot to say and I'm not sure I'll say it all. First When the person that you love is leaving to go home, and you chest starts to hurt like a piece of your soul is being ripped away then you know that you're in love. I've NEVER felt like that before...and eventhough it really did kinda hurt I wouldn't trade that feeling for anything.
Second...graduation. So I went there last night...and honestly it might have been a mistake. It was nice to yell for all the kids I know...but then I started thinking about the things that have been said at the school about me. Mistake number one. Then that train of thought led to our graduation. Mistake number two. I began to think about catalysts, parties, decisions, fights, break-ups and awful words from the last year. Mistake number three. Everything changed the night we graduated (not just in the typical really did signify the beginning of the end of everything that was stable and comfortable and my life and some of the people around me) It got to the point where I ducked out of the ceremony because honestly I couldn't take it. Then afterward I was talking to Coach Jackson and he said "I hear more about Georgia Southern then any other school." That might not seem significant to anyone that hasn't had Jackson, but he said it with that look that meant that there was deeper meaning behind the statement. I know what the meaning is. My immediate impulse was to walk over to some people and bitch...but I chose better. I just said that it's a little crazy down there but you can't believe half of what you hear...from anybody.
Third...stop it. All of you know who you are and just stop it. Don't wave it me like we're still friends when we're not. Don't say shit because I won't do the same. Just's starting to piss me off.


Melissa said...

"When the person that you love is leaving to go home, and you chest starts to hurt like a piece of your soul is being ripped away" a little dramatic are we?? haha, just kidding. i'm sure the time will go fast until you get to see your lover again.

in regards to graduation...i understand why you feel it was a mistake that you went. your reasons are a part of the reason i refuse to go also (until michael graduates anyhow), even though people have not said stuff about me this year, or to my knowledge they haven't, that school still evokes painful memories that i do not wish to remember. i agree, everything did change after graduation, and it will change again.

anyhow, my advice in all this is to avoid places that bring you pain and misery. i know, easier said than done, but it will help. i'm glad that you did not bitch anyone out, you did take the higher route. i hope that you feel better about this soon; just remember that you will not see the majority of these people EVER again in your life.

p.s. i will be apart of the revolution only if i get to be the co-leader :-)

Mike James said...

Hmmm... I'm sad I didn't get to see Coach Jackson, even if he did give you a scoulding look. Promise me we can see him before We go back to college. When I get back from Greece?

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