Friday, January 26, 2007

If the atom bomd should end us both I'd be happy to go to the stars with you

Well life is going much the same as it has for the last month. Wake up, go to class, run, cook, sleep, rinse and repeat. And as much as I love my Spanish and Journalism classes I'm still feelin as if the higher education route might not have been for me. I don't know, I guess once I get out of my classes that are repeats (because we all know that I've been an idiot about class) and lower level it'll get better. I got my first story I have to write for Journalism. It has to be about an interesting person affiliated with GSU, so I think I'm going to do my Lit proff. I'm going to Savannah today...woohoo. Well I'm going after my Spanish quiz and lit lecture, and work out, but hey I still get to go right? If you've never listened to the Silversun Pickups before you should probably check them out on myspace.

Monday, January 22, 2007


These early classes suck. I don't think I've gotten proper sleep in the last couple weeks, especially since Marks had to get up for rugby and church on the weekends. I actually did something worthwhile and read Candide this weekend, and I gotta say it's my favorite of the shit I've had to read for school. I really enjoyed Pangloss' philosophy that everything turns out for the best in life, no matter how shitty it might seem at the time. It's rare that I like such an optomistic philosophy but it just seemed cool.
Another interesting point was the old womans musings on was just an interesting perspective. What do ya'll think?

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

I need my ink injection

So I got a new tattoo last night, and this one hurts like a bitch. It hit a little bit more on my bone therefor it was a little painful. Other than that nothing cool has happened. I've been to all my class, done my homework, partied, and finally gotten to chill with Heather. All in all not a bad start to school.

Monday, January 08, 2007

It's Educational

First day of class today, and I was not stoked about it in the least. However the day turned out to be really good. Spanish is wonderful b/c I know half the shit and my teacher is sassy as hell. Modern lit is good even though I've read a good bit of the stuff we have to read this semester. My proff is Polish and he looks like Einstein's brother, plus it's one of my accidental classes with Mark. So all in all it's a good time. Bowling if fun because our teacher is a doctor from India that's getting another degree and we can't understand half of what he says. We also had to stand in a circle and throw kissing puppies to each other to introduce was deffinately interesting. And then bio lab is cool b/c it's the TA's first year and he's really dorky in a cute way. He said horses rearend and I almost peed my pants. So it looks like I have a chance at a good semester.

Monday, January 01, 2007

So this is the New Year

Happy 2007 everyone. I hope everyone had as much fun bringing it in as I did. I'm a little sad that it's all over because 2006 was a great year. I "met" my wonderful boyfriend, gained a great new friends, made a lot of friends in addition, learned, had adventures, and just existed the best way I could. All in all I wouldn't say that 2006 was a year to be ashamed of. Only 3 more days till I head back to school!