Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Let's do some living after we die

"The devil came here yesterday," Chavez said. "He came here talking as if he were the owner of the world."

The leftist leader, who joined Iran last week in an alliance against U.S. influence, accused Washington of "domination, exploitation and pillage of peoples of the world."

"We appeal to the people of the United States and the world to halt this threat, which is like a sword hanging over our head," he said.

He also said the United Nations in its current system "doesn't work" and is "antidemocratic."

So the above quote was taken from the leader of Venezuala and while I don't agree with what he's saying mostly because of the let's become allies with Iran, we need to start really thinking about what is going on in the world; not just our leaders and the people that run the government but we the people. If our Constitution works the way it's supposed too then we are the government and we are what some of the world sees as a threat. We've stood by for a really long time and just watched things happen in the world and done nothing, and now we are attempting to step up and do something, which isn't a bad thing, but it does lend to what some nations are beginning to think of us. Where were we in Rwanda when over 800,000 people lost their lives. After WW2 we said never again would such a genocide take place yet we as a world allowed it to happen. This was the whole reason that the UN was created yet nothing is being done. NOTHING. It's insane. I understand that we can't baby sit the world and force peace but trying to help is something we should have been doing all along. The way I see it is that the free nations of the world, including the US, have not been doing our jobs. We are allowing tyrannical leaders take control of nations and doing nothing because at the time the pose no threat to us, but they do...maybe not right now but they will. If you know me then you know I'm not a fan of preemptive action but it just seems like it's getting to the point where that is the only option. We've boxed ourselves into a corner and what are we going to do. I'm am honestly terrified because it seems like we're coming to a cusp in human history where things are going to become catastrophic, and we allowed it to happen. So the whole point of this was that we need to be aware and we need to do something.


Anonymous said...

We just finished watching our show that pissed both of us off to the point where we were throwing things at the television and now I'm reading this. I am one pissed off mother fucker right now.

Melissa said...

is it bad that i think the Iranian president is kind of hot? hehehe

i pretty much don't like America anymore. since i just wrote that...and it will be on the internet...i'm sure my phone will be tapped until 2008 and i'll be put on the "terrorist" list. oh well, you're always welcome to come to Africa with me! :-)